我們的新主廚Alessio上任後,就不斷積極開發新的料理。首先推出的是非常適合夏天的兩道海鮮餐點:鮮魚肉搭芝麻葉、麵疙瘩佐蛤蜊!這兩道菜,試菜當天可說是秒殺的速度被清空。即日起在La Piola正式推出,喜歡海鮮的朋友,歡迎一起來嚐鮮喔! Our new chef Alessio has already been working on developing new dishes. We would like to introduce you the two dishes which are available from now on at La Piola: seabass with rucola & gnocchi with fresh clams! — 訂位專線 To Reserve: 02-2740-6638 (在智慧型手機上點擊電話號碼即可撥通。Click to call on a smartphone.)
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