3/29 (下週二) 晚餐時段因有私人包場活動,當晚La Piola不對外開放。若有包場需求也歡迎聯絡我們喔! — Due to a private dinner party, we won’t open La Piola to the public for dinner on the 29th of March. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
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3/29 (下週二) 晚餐時段因有私人包場活動,當晚La Piola不對外開放。若有包場需求也歡迎聯絡我們喔! — Due to a private dinner party, we won’t open La Piola to the public for dinner on the 29th of March. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.
Italia Oggi 今日義大利教育中心 義籍教師Chiara要帶大家吃東區義大利餐廳啦!快點進來看看Chiara老師會推薦哪些道地又美味的義大利餐廳吧! — Click here & check which Italian restaurants in Taipei Chiara, an Italian teacher in Taiwan, would recommend!