皮耶蒙特經典特色菜 X 薩丁尼亞島海鮮料理 La Piola的新任主廚Alessio出生於薩丁尼亞島,在皮耶蒙特長大,他們家在米蘭的餐廳,以供應海鮮義大利餐點為主。所以La Piola的貴賓,除了皮耶蒙特菜色,也將可以品嚐到更多的海鮮料理! — Piemonte Specialties X Sardo Seafood Our new Italian chef Alessio was born in Sardegna, grew up in Piemonte. With this special “mix” and his outstanding cooking skills, we knew immediately he is the one we are looking for! Therefore, dear La Piola guests, from now on, you can […]
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