La Piola 義大利餐廳為你捐出5% 一起為義大利地震災區人民加油 義大利中部8月24日凌晨3時36分發生規模6.2強震,造成嚴重損傷。台灣同位於地震帶,對地震造成的傷害,最能感同身受。因此,La Piola 團隊決議,將捐出9月份一整個月本餐廳營業額的5%給義大利紅十字會賑災專戶,一起為災區重建,盡一份心力。 The earthquake which hit central Italy on the 24th of August at 03.36 has devastated several Italian towns, such as Accumoli, Amatrice, Pescara del Tronto and Arquata del Tronto. To help recovering these quake-stricken Italian towns, the La Piola Team has decided to donate 5% of the total […]
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