Special Promotion for Italian Sparkling Wine at La Piola!
La Piola與大家一同歡慶耶誕節與新年,兩杯(是兩杯喔)義大利氣泡酒促銷價台幣388、單瓶台幣980 (以上價格皆不含服務費)
To celebrate Christmas & New Year with everyone, we have a special promotion of 3 Italian sparkling wine: 388 NTD / 2 glasses, 980 NTD / bottle (prices not inclusive of service charge) ✨✨
To book La Piola’s New Year’s set for the 1st day of 2016, please reach us by the 25th of December. Looking forward to seeing you soon in the new year!
** 喝酒不開車 安全有保障 未滿十八歲不得飲酒 **