Celebrate the Moon Festival 2015 with La Piola

中秋節想大口吃肉,卻不想搞得烏煙瘴氣?La Piola的中秋節烤肉拼盤(羊肉+豬肉+牛肉+香腸!),搭配義大利進口美味紅酒,讓您優雅歡慶中秋節~

Great news for meat lovers!!! For the Moon Festival 2015, we will launch a special MEAT PLATTER mixed with our signature lamb, pork, beef & sausages! Forget about the exhausting preparations of a BBQ party — just reserve a table at La Piola & celebrate the festival with great food, great people & great wine!

詳情請洽La Piola // For detailed info:

